Iberoforum is an electronic journal edited each semester by the Social Science department of the Iberoamericana University located in Mexico City. It presents researching manuscripts of Anthropology, Sociology or Political science. The journal intends to be a reference for scholars, investigators and students in the areas included, related to anthropology, political and social science such as:
- Anthropological themes, continuity and sociocultural change, environment, manage of natural resources, migration, globalization, culture etc.
- Sociological themes, social theory, system theory, social policy, citizenship etc.
- Political themes, government and political institutions, political systems, political behavior, party competition etc.
Paper evaluation:
The papers are evaluated through an objective and fair process. Each article is evaluated by the committee and appointed to two referees who don’t know each other and don’t know the authors. The referees are appointed from our list due to their especial knowledge of the subject or, if necessary, are referees ad –hoc, same degree as the authors, chosen because of their special knowledge in a particular theme.
Papers could be accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected. In case of discrepancy between referees, a third one must be appointed. The resolution is final.
In case of acceptance, the author must sign a right cession for publication in web. He must declare, without exceptions, that the article is original, inedited and that it has been sent to Iberoforum only.
Paper structure:
- As mencioned above, the paper must be originals, inedits, and sent to Iberoforum only. It can be submit by one author or more, in collaboration.
- It must be sent by email written in Times Roman 12, 1.5 space.
- The title must be concise, centered, using Capital letters.
- The author name must be written below the title with the given name followed by two family names.
- An abstract of 200 must be included followed by five keywords. It is suitable to include a Spanish abstract and five keywords in Spanish, as well.
- Finally, a brief résumé of the author is required. It must include the author’s name, affiliation, themes of interest, actual occupation and email.
- The extension of the paper depends on the section chosen in order to be publish. For the principal section ( Notas para el debate), the maximum extension is of 30 sheets, for the other two section ( Voces y contextos and Política y poder) the extension must be below 25 sheets.
. All manuscripts must be written in Times Roman 12, with lower, upper and right margins equal 2.5cm, and let margin equal to 3.0cm.
. All the foot notes must be numbered. All abbreviations must be clarified the first time that they are used in the text.
. All title and sub titles must be margined to the left in cursive letters. To enlighten words, titles o words in another language, cursive letters must be used.
. The quotation of less than five lines must be included in the text accompanied by the last name of the author, year: page (in Harvard system of quotation), as follows: “The one-sided dependency only lasted for a short period of time” (Almond, 1998: 51). For two authors (Alt and Alesina, 1998: 645) and for more than two authors (Ragin et al.,1998: 750). In case of more than one quotation of the same author, corresponding to different publications in the same year, the indication must be as follows: ( Beck 2000a:14) and (Beck 2000b:21)
. The quotation of more than five lines must be shown in a different paragraph, as follows:
Mindful of what lies in store for unreasonable people, let us now attempt to evaluate the full theoretical and practical significance of Rawls’view. One useful initial strategy is to try to determine who the unreasonable persons are. The are at least two possibilities here and, and they foreshadow contradictory intuitions. First, one should worry about the liberalism that ignores, from the outset, the political views of certain groups among a citinzenry. (Friedman, 2000: 23)
Body of the manuscript:
The body of the manuscript must correspond to an academic investigation with an introduction, in which the relevance of the research must be specified, a review of the matter from other scholars, the development of theoretical aspects and a conclusion section. The affirmations must be supported with data or the studies of others authors. Foot pages are recommended if needed.
Papers in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese are welcomed.
The bibliography must be included at the end of the article. It must specify family name and inicial of given name, followed by the Harvard system of quotation and bibliography. The references must appear in the format given in the examples below:
Lewis, P. (1990), The crisis of argentine capitalism. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina.
More than a book per author:
Chomsky, N. (1997), On power and ideology: the managua lectures. Managua, Universidad Centroamericana.
- (1997), Latin America: from colonization to globalization. Australia, Ocean Press.
Giménez, G. (2003), “El debate sobre la prospectiva de las ciencias sociales en los umbrales del nuevo milenio”, Revista Mexicana de Sociología. Año 65, núm. 2, México: UNAM.
Morley, D. (1998), “Debate mediático: interpretando las interpretaciones de las interpretaciones”, en Curran, James et al. [comps.], Estudios culturales y comunicación. España: Paidós Comunicación.
Arvizu Arrioja, J. “Las fuerzas armadas, ejército para la paz, asegura Zedillo”, El Universal, México, D.F., 11 de febrero de 1999, primera sección, p. 2.
Quotation taken from the web:
De Sur a Sur, Revista Andaluza de Solidaridad, Paz y Cooperación. No. 31, Enero-Febrero 2006. Revista Electrónica, [21 de agosto de 2008]
Tendencias Mundiales del Empleo 2008. Organización Internacional del Trabajo. [3 de septiembre de 2008].
Las colaboraciones deben ser enviadas a:
ibero.forum@uia.mx, juan.vazquez@uia.mx, nora_lemmi@hotmail.com
Para mayor información comunicarse
a la Universidad Iberoamericana:
Edición de Iberoforum
Tel.: 59 50 40 00,
ext. 7572, 7561