About Ignacio Ellacuría

The Latin-American chair of Ignacio Ellacurría immerse in the political and social analysis of the reality, has made two preparatory activities related to their annual event in order to remember the anniversary of the murder of Ignacio Ellacuría that took place in the Central University of El Salvador.

Co- organized by the chair and the Department of Philosophy of the Iberoamericana University, the first panel was held by the Professor Antonio González who talked about “The historical reality in Zubiri and Ellacuría”. The meeting took place the 18th September. There, the enormous relation between the two philosophers was highlighted, not only because Ellacuría shaped the philosophical thoughts of Zubiri but also because he advanced intellectually in Zubiri´s line.

The second meeting took place the 23th October in the Agustín Reyes Auditorium of the Iberoamericana University. The session was dedicated to the “Education for the fairness in genre: a condition to citizenship of the XXI century” with the presence in the panel of three outstanding members of civil society: Erika Llanos, Concepción González y Edith Ramirez. These personalities have excelled from the implementation of workshops dedicated to municipal employees to the organization of the national contest “Fairness, the respect is the way”. Also, they have worked in the promotion of the institutionalization of the perspective of genre in the government, sending alternatives for the treatment of the subject in the workplace.

The next event related to the chair of Ellacuría will take place in the Iberoamericana University of Puebla, where the discussion about this subject will continue with the framework of the 40th anniversary of the ethical ideology of our educative institution.

 América E. Hernández Veráztica.

IBEROFORUM, Año XIII No. 25, Enero-Junio 2018, es una publicación electrónica de la Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C., con domicilio en Prol. Paseo de la Reforma 880, Col. Lomas de Santa Fe, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México, C.P. 01219. Editor responsable: Nora Beatriz Lemmi. Reserva de Derechos al Uso -Exclusivo del Título número 04-2016-050908452800-203 e ISSN 2007-0675, ambos otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable del diseño web y actualizaciones: Jorge Luis Cervantes Magaña. Dirección de Comunicación Institucional de la Universidad Iberoamericana, A.C., Prol. Paseo de la Reforma 880, Col. Lomas de Santa Fe, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México, C.P. 01219. Fecha de la última actualización abril de 2017.