The faculty of the University is recognized for combining disciplinary knowledge with innovative projects and community values. The faculty has, for over 65 years, contributed, and continues to impact, diverse fields of knowledge at national and global levels.
There are around 300 full-time faculty members of which a third are part of the recognized National System of Researchers (SNI). Each academic unit focuses on various lines of research which demonstrate common interests of the faculty although some researchers pursue individual goals.
In the links of this page you will find some of the research being carried out by academics.
IBERO is also proud of the contribution it makes to knowledge with over 1, 500 titles that make up its catalogue of publications, which represent the efforts of the various departments, programs and institutes. Every year over 100 new publications, both printed and electronic, are added to this list, with the purpose of disseminating state-of-the art knowledge while also developing the community’s critical and personal abilities.
IBERO promotes research and technological development to help solve real social and political problems. Currently there are 65 priority research programs underway in the university’s academic departments, research institutes and centers.
There are two research institutes at IBERO:
IIDSES network of researchers studies socioeconomic realities, with the objective of creating and strengthening its ties with society in general, including with those who make political and public-policy decisions and those who run social organizations, so as to support them by proposing alternative courses of action.
Research into, and reflection about, sustainable socioeconomic development is not new to the IBERO, which has gathered together one of the most complete teams of researchers into socioeconomic-development themes of all Mexico’s higher-education institutions, with the focus of studying development mechanisms and needs.
INIDE is a think tank in education researching the national education system and its problems, especially those that affect the most disadvantaged sectors of society.
Given the many problems and challenges faced by our education system, the focal point of Inide’s research, is to find ways to improve the educational quality of the schooling system available in accordance with IBERO’s mission to help to build a freer, more productive, more just and more united society.
IBERO is proud of its contribution to knowledge through the academic publications it makes available to the public.
The list of publications includes works by internationally recognized authors such as Niklas Luhman, Raffaele de Giorgi, Bronislav Malinowski, Michel de Certeau, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, François Dosse, José María Mardones, Ángel Palerm, Bernard Lonergan, Roger Chartier, Roman Ingarden, Paul Gilbert, Paul Ricoeur and Emmanuel Levinas, among others.
Those wishing to know the publications available can check the online catalogue (available in Spanish), or to contact the IBERO’s Publications Office:
Tel.: +52 (55) 59504330 or 9177-4400
Ext. 4919, 7330 and 7600